A particularly striking new phenomenon in recent years is the live streaming of video\ngames through popular platforms, such as Twitch. This study focuses on the motivations and types of\nuse underlying viewer participation in live streaming platforms. Based on the uses and gratifications\ntheory, this paper aims to analyse how three basic motivations are related to the use of video game\nstreaming platforms. Furthermore, it examines the moderating effects that significant variables, such\nas the audience memberâ??s age, sex or self-perception of level as a player may exert on this relationship.\nThe results reveal that the three types of motivations are positively associated with use of the platform,\nalthough notable differences appear, with informational motivations outweighing entertainment and\nsocial motivations. At the same time, no moderating effects on the results of the proposed model were\nfound for the heterogeneity stemming from sex and age. Conversely, the influence of informational\nmotivations on the use of these platforms is moderated by the self-perception of level as a player.